Download Proteus 8.11 PRO Full Free Per Mega and MediaFire
Download Proteus 8.11 for pc, download it Per Mega and MediaFire, this program is pre-activated, this means that you don't need to install any crack, craked, key / keygen, Proteus 8.11 comes with the activated license.
Proteus is an electronic design tool, it allows to carry out electrical and electronic simulations in a very simple way, it is an intuitive program, easy to use and that has also become very popular in recent years because of how easy it is to simulate arduino boards.
Proteus 8.11 enhancements
New electronic components were included, they were the following:
TEXAS Operational Amplifiers:
TLV2370D, TLV2370P, TLV2370DBV, TLV2371D, TLV2371P, TLV2371DBV, TLV2372D, TLV2372P, TLV2373D, TLV2373P, TLV2373DGS, TLV2374D, TLV2374N, TLV.
PIC18F87K90 Microntrollers:
PIC18F65K90, PIC18F66K90, PIC18F67K90, PIC18F85K90, PIC18F86K90, PIC18F87K90, in their package variants.
PIC16F1769 Microntrollers:
PIC16F1764, PIC16F1765, PIC16F1768, PIC16F1769, PIC16LF1764, PIC16LF1765, PIC16LF1768, PIC16LF1769 in their encapsulated variants.
Apart from the Proteus installer, we want to share with you a collection of Arduino libraries and sensors for proteus.
These libraries include:
- Bluetooth Library for Proteus
- DS1307 Library for Proteus
- Arduino Library for Proteus
- Arduino Mega 2560 Library for Proteus
- Arduino Nano Library for Proteus
- Arduino Pro Mini Library for Proteus
- Arduino UNO Library for Proteus
- Arduino Lilypad LibraryF or Proteus
- PIR Sensor Library for Proteus
- Ultrasonic Sensor Library for Proteus
- Vibration Sensor Library for Proteus
- XBee Library for Proteus
- Flame Sensor Library for Proteus
- Flex Sensor Library for Proteus
- Gas Sensor Library for Proteus
- Genuino Library for Proteus
- GPS Library for Proteus
- GPS Library for Proteus
- New LCD Library for Proteus
How to install Proteus 8.11 Professional:
- Unzip the downloaded file with Winrar or 7Zip using the password:
- Install like any program, click next and next until installation is complete.
- At the end of the installation, a Proteus 8.11 icon will be created on your desktop, right-click on the icon, then on "properties", then on the "compatibility" tab, check the box "Run this program as administrator", to finish you have click apply and accept. (If you skip this step, opening Proteus will not load the libraries).
Instructions to Install Arduino and Sensor Libraries in Proteus:
- After downloading the installation package (the link is at the end of this post) you must unzip the library package (they are in .rar) using the password:
- You must open the unzipped folder and copy all the files that are in it and paste them in the following location on your local Disk (C): In case you use Proteus 8.11:C:\Program Files (x86)\Labcenter Electronics\Proteus 8 Professional\DATA\ LIBRARY
Technical data
- Name: Proteus 8.11
- Author: Labcenter Electronics
- Compatibility: Windows 10, 8.1, 7, VISTA, XP.
- Architecture: 32 & 64 bit
- Version: SP0
- Language: English
- License: Until 2031
- Size: 462.27 MB
Proteus Professional 8.11 SP0 (462.27 MB)
IMPORTANT! All the files we share on this site are compressed with the final version of WinRAR, a lower version may cause errors when extracting the file.
If you have problems with the installation → Help
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